Holy and Horny Introduction

Sexual desires are real. Each of us experience them from time to time. In fact it one of the main temptations we are constantly bombarded with during the majority of our adult life. Interestingly not many sermons are preached to help us overcome them. We are told not to have sex before marriage; we are told that we will not get to heaven (or conversely we will go to hell) if we do, but we are not given real practical guidelines of how to control these powerful and sometimes overpowering emotions. 

Take Lystra. She grew up in the church. Was part of the worship team; was a youth leader and was considered one of the shining example of what a Christian should be. Every body was shocked when Lystra fell pregnant. No one thought she was involved in immoral practices. I am sure you can think of examples of people who were either caught out or became pregnant that you never thought were doing it. In fact you would have heard of pastors, preachers, priests and pew members who were found doing immoral acts in one form or another. 

We are living in sex saturated society. Temptation is all around us. On the radio, TV, internet, books and magazines, even in the church. I was surprised when one young lady told me that she had advances from one of the senior members of the leadership team. Another man revealed that some ladies from the church were making sexual advances on him. Wow – that is a lot of pressure. In addition to that, the way some women dress in the church can be very distracting to say the least. 

Without any external pressure we will still be tempted sexually. Why? Because we were created as sexual beings. In the beginning God created males and females. He commanded that we should be fruitful and multiply. To do that he gave us the fun and enjoyable process of sex. He put within us hormones that would make us feel horny and attracted to each other. This will cause us to come together sexually and reproduce tiny humans like ourselves. How wonderful. He however recommended that all this should happen within the confines of marriage.

In this course we will share practical solutions on how to deal with your horny feelings.