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Dating Advice For Christian Singles Who Want To Get Married

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Meet, Date & Marry The One God has For You!

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God wants you married

Have you ever wondered if God wants you to remain single or get married? Then is eye opening article will help you decide what the Lord’s intention for you is ..

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Holy and horny

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Why I am still single?

If you are as wonderful as they say you are. why are you still single?
Relationship experts reveal the answer the vital question: Why am I still single as a Christian?

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If you want to know how and where to find great Christian singles you will definitely want to read this. 10 ways to find a christian spouse

Christian Dating Tips For Singles Who Are Looking For Relationships

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God Wants you Married

Have you ever wondered if God wants you to remain single or get married. Well if He has not specifically tells you not to get married (like he did to Jeremiah and Paul) then God’s default position is that He wants you to find someone, settle down and start a Christian family.
He says clearly in His word “It is not good for a man to be alone, let us make for him a helpmeet.” Genesis 2:18. He has also implanted that natural desire in you to get married. Research has shown that married people generally to be happier and live longer than their single counterparts.

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There is no one way to get a Christian spouse.

There is a lot of debate on how to go about getting married in Christian circles. Some say that you should not not but court. The Bible does not stipulate how you should go about meeting and marrying someone. There are many people who have been matched by their parents, many who have dated and gotten married and many who have courted. There are example from each method that have succeeded and failed.
It is not really so much how you got married that counts by what you do to maintain your relationship that really matters. The Bible places far more emphasis on how you treat your husband and wife than how they both of you got together.

God will not do for you what you can do for your self

God is not going to do all the work for you.
Some people are of the opinion that they have to simply have to pray and wait on God to send them the right person. However apart from Adam and Eve there is no example where God came down and matched 2 people. God has given us brains to make choices, communication to engage each other, faces and bodies and other people to help with the process. He will guide and support in the process but He expects you to put in some effort too.
Lets Help You. Call: 07903 317 426