Couple dating

What Christian Women Want In Men

What Christian women want in men?

In this article we will be looking what Christian women want in men. Here are some responses I got when I asked them;

Alexia says:

  • Must be under the subjection of God
  • Be a baptised member of the church & actively involved in church work or have a personal ministry
  • Must have an interest in children, young people and families/community-people person
  • Recognises he’s identity in Christ & is not ashamed of the gospel
  • A lover of life
  • Child like without being childish
  • Loves to make up & say sorry: a lover not a fighter
  • Youthful at heart…mature in age
  • Mature in his thinking & having an understanding & ability to work through his issues
  • A teacher by nature and has lived a full live
  • Feels happy where is he is but is striving to improve his life daily etc  reading, excerise, leisure time
  • Wants & is willing to travel
  • Be a leader without being overbearing/forceful
  • Playful, humorous & enjoys laughing
  • Talkative, good communication skills
  • A realist, deals with each day with an outlook to achieve a personal goal
  • Hard working & reliable to his work, is happy in his work and does it well
  • Heavenly focused & seeks to engage with others though introducing them to Jesus via his behaviour, attitude & appearance
  • Calm, level headed, fatherly & commanding when needed.
  • Tender, vulnerable & can be weak, tearful.
  • Lots touching is very, very tactile
  • Romantic & sexy is not afraid of his sexiness but keeps it in check
  • Loving, caring & willing to give, especially to those in need.
  • Talented, gifted and willing to use it to honour God
  • Open, upfront & honest
  • Affirms his love though actions, time spent, simple gifts
  • Creative thinker, uses his mind & thinks outside the box
  • Individualistic & able to handle 3 females of the character
  • Outgoing & excellent social skills

That’s it….oh yeah I love beards…loves a good trim, shape up & rocks a beard. Won’t mind me dressing him…tastefully

  • The Lord will supply all of my needs in Christ Jesus 

Mary Andall says:

  1. I am looking for a husband who loves God and is not ashamed to proclaim His name inside and outside the house of God. I would like to see that love affair in every part of his life with God
  2. I am looking for a husband who has a sense of humor and will be my best friend
  3. I am looking for a husband who is a provider and saver, someone whose financial reaponsibility will make me feel safe and not worrysome
  4. I am looking for a husband with a sense of adventure, someone who is comfortable doing unusual things… a  short notice holiday for a weekend away
  5. I  am looking for a husband who will validate me as his queen as l do the same for him as my king
    I am looking for a husband who is interested in social justice, beyond just talking
  6. I am looking for a husband who likes to read books go to the theatre, walk on the park, go to concerts together
  7. I am looking for a husband who will support me to be the best person God wants me to be
  8. I  am looking for a husband l can have great conversation and intimacy with. I am looking for a touchy feely person in Jesus name
  9. I am praying that physically he will be very tall and personable

Arlene Robson (when asked what Christian women want in men) says:

Top priority: My desired husband to be, must be Godly and desire to love Christ as much I do…and to live by the living Word of God…Amen.

Other desired traits: 

  • He has to be a humble person, just like me,
  • Practice good hygiene,like I do;
  • Should be average height 5’6″  nothing below and of a slender built…
  • Fun to be with and can have a laugh.

Not looking for Mr Right or Mr Perfect….but for a person I can love and share the rest of my life with.

Estella says that most divorces are due to financial, sex and communication problems so she is looking for

  1. A very rich man
  2. A good looking man
  3. Smart man

What are you looking for in a man? Put your desires in the comment box below

Here is an infographic of what women are looking for. Except for the references to evolution (as christian we will ignore those) tell me what you think about it


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